Authorization for construction

Authorization for construction fee

Fee of authorization for construction

Details of work (authorized by governor)

Registration license tax and fee for authorization

Fee of our office


Customers who have tax accountant consultation contract with us¥

Application for authorization of construction industry (new)

90,000 yen

73,500 yen

163,500 yen

Application for authorization of construction industry (renewal)

50,000 yen

52,500 yen

102,500 yen

Application for authorization of construction industry
(addition of industry)

50,000 yen


@@@81,500 yen

Submission for report of changing settlement



21,000 yen

Application for analysis of management

13,500 yen

21,000 yen

34,500 yen

Application for screening of management items

8,500 yen
{2,500 yen per industry

52,500 yen

63,500 yen
(for 1 industry)

Customers other than those who have tax accountant consultation contract with us¥

Application for authorization of construction industry (new)

90,000 yen

84,000 yen

174,000 yen

Application for authorization of construction industry (renewal)

50,000 yen

63,000 yen

113,000 yen

Application for authorization of construction industry
(addition of industry)

50,000 yen

42,000 yen

92,000 yen

Submission for report of changing settlement


31,500 yen

31,500 yen

Application for analysis of management

13,500 yen

31,500 yen

@47,400 yen

Application for screening of management items

8,500 yen
{2,500 yen per industry

63,000 yen

74,000 yen
ifor 1 industryj

iIncluding taxj


  • As for the fee of administrative scrivener other than application for authorization of construction industry listed above (authorized by minister), we discuss separately. In addition, if arrangement of new application is remarkably complicated, we sometimes add the fee

  • We submit application for authorization of construction industry to administrative scrivener with which our office has partnership.

To contact of Accounting office which Fee of tax accountant, social insurance and labor consultant, administrative scrivener

Certified public tax accountant, social insurance and labor consultant|Accounting Office Tsujiuchi

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